Home » “Accio” Wand: The 10 Most Practical Spells in Harry Potter

“Accio” Wand: The 10 Most Practical Spells in Harry Potter

Have you ever become so exasperated with your household tasks that you’ve found yourself wishing you could wave a magical wand to manifest their fruition? Or found your kids behaving irascibly and, by some method of mind control, could placate their belligerence? Have you ever behaved in a shameful way in front of a group people, wishing you could somehow erase their memories of what transpired?

Alas, magic does not exist in our world. In fictional worlds like Harry Potter, however, witches and wizards abound. No matter how complex the situation, in places like Hogwarts, solutions can be easily found with the deft application of magic. As it’s nearing Halloween, let us briefly enter the world of fancy, where magic can act as salve for all our quotidian problems. In this article, we’ll explore the 10 most practical spells introduced in Harry Potter, ones capable of softening the rigors of everyday Muggle-life.

The Summoning Charm

Summoning Charm - 10 Most Practical Spells in Harry Potter
Photo by Klim Musalimov on Unsplash

Incantation: “Accio”

Application: For any Muggle, “Accio,” or the summoning charm, would be eminently applicable to the execution of everyday tasks. In the wizarding world, aspiring witches and wizards frequently use the summoning charm to summon items they might require, whether it be a quill, a broomstick, or jug of butterbeer. In one daring scene, Harry, the lead protagonist of the Harry Potter franchise, deftly summons his broomstick to evade a particularly aggressive dragon, avoiding the specter of a very grotesque death.

Can you imagine how convenient such a spell would be during your, say, set of household chores? Need your lawnmower? A wave of the wand will bring it to you. Need some Clorox wipes for a fresh mess inspired by your rambunctious children? It can easily be summoned for you to allay the mess with alacrity.

The Imperius CurseMost Practical Spells in Harry Potter

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Incantation: “Imperio”

Application: Some of these spells are admittedly morally dubious to use. Such is the case with the Imperius Curse, which essentially allows its caster to control and manipulate the actions of others. If your child is being obstinate, the Imperius Curse would easily allow you to adjust their behavior in accordance with your own whimsies and desires. It’s certainly a formidable and overbearing incantation – In the Harry Potter world, it’s regarded as an “Unforgivable Curse” – but one cannot deny if its usefulness if applied responsibly.

The Memory Charm

Memory Charm - 10 Most Practical Spells in Harry Potter
Photo by dianne clifford on Unsplash

Incantation: “Obliviate”

Application:  The memory charm is another spell that is morally complicated. A strong application of this charm can potentially erase a person’s memory, robbing them of their identity, their sense of morality, and their values. In Harry Potter, a Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts and reputed author, Gilderoy Lockhart, attempts to cast the charm on Harry and Ron during a precarious situation he’d rather extricate himself from. Fortunately for Harry and Ron, Lockhart’s wand backfires, leaving him without any moorings.

Despite its potential for harm, used moderately, I cannot help but think the memory charm would be useful in escaping the repercussions of potentially embarrassing situations. If one were to misspeak while giving a lecture or in general discourse, imagine how easy it would be to wipe away the misstep from another person’s mind? It’s intriguing but, alas, should certainly only be used with discretion.

The Unlocking CharmMost Practical Spells in Harry Potter

Photo by Silas Köhler on Unsplash

Incantation: “Alohomora”

Application: Have you ever misplaced your keys? Desired access to a forbidden entry point? Were you to possess the genetics of a wizard in the Harry Potter world, swiftly casting the “Alohomora” charm would unlock any door instantly. The wizarding trio of Harry, Ron and Hermione – notorious, noisy, troublemakers – surreptitiously cast the charm on numerous occasions during their adventures at Hogwarts and beyond.

The Healing Charm

Healing Charm - 10 Most Practical Spells in Harry Potter
Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

Incantation: “Episkey”

Application: The healing charm would obviate the need for basic visits to the doctor were a minor injury to take a place. Sprain an ankle? Break a bone? Strain a muscle? Using the incantation “episkey” would ameliorate your woes and discomfort, rectifying any injury incurred your daily endeavors.

The Disillusionment CharmMost Practical Spells in Harry Potter

Photo by David DINTSH on Unsplash

Incantation: Unknown

Application: Another spell facilitating stealth and concealment, the disillusionment charm essentially renders one invisible, as the user takes on the visage of their surrounding environment. The incantation for the spell is never properly never revealed in the books, but it is said to be a very complex spell, one only a very advanced witch or wizard would be able to achieve. The only two wizards we encounter in the books who actively do use it, in fact, are two of the most powerful – Dumbledore and Voldemort.

As almost everyone fancies the idea of being invisible at some point, the disillusionment charm would be very practical for Muggles to use. Imagine being able to secretly pry into the private conversations of others? Of being a figurative “fly on the wall” in important rooms where impactful decisions are being made. It’s fun to fantasize about.

The Shield Charm

Shield Charm - 10 Most Practical Spells in Harry Potter
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Incantation: “Protego”

Application: The shield charm does exactly as it suggests: it effectively projects an invisible shield in fronts its caster, deflecting unwanted curses, jinxes, or spells. Especially during Harry’s 5th, 6th and 7th years at Hogwards, when war has imperiled the wizarding world, Harry and his followers frequently use the shield charm in their forays against Voldemort’s followers.

While a Muggle may not necessarily need a shield charm during everyday life, it can be still be useful. Not only does the shield cast a protective barrier against unfriendly spells, it can also effectively defend one against physical entities. It’d therefore be an effective deterrent in neutralizing any antagonist one might encounter.

Water-Conjuring CharmMost Practical Spells in Harry Potter

Photo by Amritanshu Sikdar on Unsplash

Incantation: “Aguamenti”

Application: The use of the water conjuring charm in Harry Potter manifests clear, drinkable water for its caster. In most cases, it’s used as a way of staunching small infernos, exempting the wizarding world of any need for a functioning fire department. For a Muggle, I’d suggest a more prosaic use for the water-conjuring charm: An easy and simple way to avoid dehydration, assuming the water produced is filtered and purified. One would never go thirsty again.

Wand-Lighting Charm

Wand-Lighting Charm - 10 Most Practical Spells in Harry Potter
Photo by William Carlson on Unsplash

Incantation: “Lumos”

Application: “Lumos” effectively renders a wizard’s wand as a flashlight, illuminating otherwise dark and foreboding places. Harry’s trio use it frequently while exploring the dimly-lit corridors of the Hogwarts castle at night. It’s most practical application for Muggles? Well, it would make flashlights obsolete. Rather than requiring a battery-powered Muggle device, one could instead quickly hoist their wand in the air and cast an orb of piercing light.

The Mending CharmMost Practical Spells in Harry Potter

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Incantation: “Reparo”

Application: Likely the most useful charm expressed in the Harry Potter franchise, the mending charm offers a quick fix for any item that falls into disrepair. In the books, Harry, for instance, is continually getting into spates and adventures that leave his glasses broken and askew. In his case, there’s no need for a visit to the optometrist, he can simply mend his visual aids with magic.

For Muggles, think of the costs that could be mitigated with the simple application of this spell? Think of the industries oriented around the repair of items that would suddenly become non-essenstial?

Your car’s transmission is broke? Reparo! Done, situation settled.

Toilet’s clogged? Circumvent the plumber and cast the mending charm!

Spilled water on your MacBook? Reparo! Boom, fixed – No need to purchase a new one.

It’d immediately solve so many of anyone’s temporal issues and annoyances.