10 of the Best Zombie or Walking Dead Movies You Can Stream Now

Zombie movies!  Ravenous monsters, dragging their legs, and giving us all something to dress as on Halloween for almost 100 years now. Sounds like a few people you know, right? The very first zombie movie was released in 1932 and it was called White Zombie. In the story, a young woman undergoes the transformation from human to walking dead via an evil voodoo doctor. This may challenge the stigma of what a zombie is, but in fact, so does history.  However, you term a zombie, here are 10 of the best zombie or walking dead movies you can stream now.

According to folklore (especially Caribbean) a zombie is just a corpse revived by witchcraft. Popular culture has twisted this meaning into an infected flesh-eating reanimated corpse. It wasn’t until about the 1970s that witchcraft was taken out of the picture. Today, the actual definition of a zombie is quite vague and varies. But we do know…they are the perfect subject for a blockbuster flick. So, let’s take a look at the most amazing zombie movies that every undead fan should watch!

World War Z (2013)

World War Z (2013)
Photo: Paramount

World War Z might just be the most revolutionary zombie film of the decade. So great, that a video game was just released in April of 2019 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC in its honor. But back to the 2013 movie. Who knew Brad Pitt could shine in a such a film?

The movie surrounds the search for not necessarily the cure, but the cause of the zombie apocalypse. Though the zombies intently work together! It’s not about surviving, but rather…science. Unlike most films of its kind, World War Z makes everything make sense, particularly Brad Pitt’s devotion to his family. However, if you’re just looking for a bloody zombie shoot-em-up movie, then look elsewhere.

28 Days Later (2002)

28 Days Later (2002)

What happens when a monkey starts the zombie apocalypse? Sounds like a slapstick comedy horror, but it is far from it. A mismatched group’s retold journey to a gated community in hopes that they will be taken in, 28 Days Later has become quite the classic.

Though many consider the ending disappointing, the original ending was deemed ‘too depressing’ to stick with. One of them follows The Walking Dead theory of “main character is in a coma and it’s all a dream”. But the other involves a sacrifice too great to bear.

Warm Bodies (2013) – 10 of the Best Zombie or Walking Dead Movies You Can Stream Now

Warm Bodies (2013) - 10 of the Best Zombie or Walking Dead Movies You Can Stream Now

How can one movie about the dead be such a feel-good flick? This movie defies everything we’ve ever thought we’ve known about zombies. What if zombies weren’t evil? What if they were just trying to get through life like everyone else? What if the dead fell in love with the living? What if we didn’t know who was dead and who was alive? What if there were twists that we could have never predicted? If you never watch another out-of-the-box zombie movie, watch Warm Bodies first.

[REC](2007)/Quarantine (2008)

[REC](2007)/Quarantine (2008)
[REC] Movie, 2007

Though Quarantine is a nice suspenseful flick, [REC] is the original and it is quite a bit better (and much more intense) than Quarantine. Plus, there are currently 3 movies in the [REC] film series. The whole movie is seen from the camera’s point of view, which is totally crazy and adds to the thrill factor as it is almost like watching it in first person. If you just can’t watch foreign films, enjoy Quarantine. But if you are into Spanish films, watch the first [REC], you won’t regret it.

Train to Busan (2016)

Train to Busan (2016)

Can anyone argue with the fact that Train to Busan is absolutely perfect? What happens when there’s a zombie outbreak on a train? Eek! And what if the entire army that is meant to save you has already turned? This Korean film makes you want to watch more Korean films in hopes of finding another gem like it. Train to Busan does more than strengthen the bond between father and daughter, it strengthens our bond to them as well. Yeah, we don’t want them to get eaten.

Night of the Living Dead (1968) – 10 of the Best Zombie or Walking Dead Movies You Can Stream Now

Night of the Living Dead (1968) - 10 of the Best Zombie or Walking Dead Movies You Can Stream Now

Is any zombie movie list complete without Night of the Living Dead? White Zombie may be the original zombie film, but every film made after 1970 drew inspiration from Night of the Living Dead. Everything we know about zombies was learned from this movie. George A. Romero is a genius, and this is the first time he proved it.

The Evil Dead 1 (1981) and 2 (1987)

The Evil Dead 1 (1981) and 2 (1987)
Evil Dead II

The Evil Dead has brought on the most discrepancy as to what a zombie film is. Is it a zombie film or demon possession film? According to lore, it is both. The Necronomicon is obviously dark magic, which is exactly what any folklore says zombies are. Either way, the 1981 film was way ahead of its time.

Food for Thought: what if all zombies are just corpses possessed by demons? Ever think about that?

Cargo (2017)

Cargo (2017)

Although it may not be the best film of 2017, something about Cargo is just so gritty and human. This Australian film is about a father’s love for his daughter. It isn’t about how to not get bit, but the importance of the time you have left. Martin Freeman (The Hobbit) is absolutely stunning as well! It’s pretty cool to see an eerily intense zombie film rather than a loud, gory, mess of fun.

I Am Legend (2007) – 10 of the Best Zombie or Walking Dead Movies You Can Stream Now

I Am Legend (2007) - - 10 of the Best Zombie or Walking Dead Movies You Can Stream Now

Again, is this a zombie film? Or are these “monsters” something else entirely? The movie considers them “hemocytes” or Darkseekers. Which are originally cancer survivors, who like Deadpool, can’t die now. The species is very intelligent and engaging. Although there is a discrepancy as to whether they are zombies or vampires, I Am Legend is too perfect not to mention. I mean we owe that to Dog, right?

The Girl with All the Gifts (2016)

The Girl with All the Gifts (2016)

Now this is quite the zombie film! Who knew that children were so much more frightening than adults? Just when you think you’ve figured the plot out, the old bait-and-switch swoops you up and takes you somewhere else. The movie is disturbing the entire way through, even heartwarming at times, making it the most quintessential new generation zombie flick!

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