Healthy Snack Ideas Under 200 Calories

At some point during our busy day, we all get all craving for something that can hold us over until dinner or we just want a quick dessert while binge-watching the latest series on Netflix. But that urge to snack can lead to trouble if you choose the unhealthy route. Luckily, there are plenty of healthy snacks ideas under 200 calories. These healthy snack ideas can satisfy your craving for carbs or sweets but without the empty calories in chips, cookies, or ice cream.

These 10 healthy snacks are quick and easy enough for you to have anytime whether are work, home or even on the road.  

Half an Apple With 1 Tablespoon of Peanut Butter: 150 Calories

Half an Apple With 1 Tablespoon of Peanut Butter: 150 Calories

Generally, anything with peanut butter on it is good. Take celery and peanut butter or bananas and peanut butter. So here is another healthy idea for a food to add peanut butter to, apples. Doesn’t matter the type of apple: granny smith, red delicious, gala, fuji, honeycrisp. They all work well.

For peanut butter, like apples, it really doesn’t matter. It can be creamy or crunchy. It can be Skippy or Peter Pan or your own homemade peanut butter. Personally, I like crunchy on granny smith.

Quaker Organic Instant Oatmeal (Regular Flavor): 150 Calories

Quaker Organic Instant Oatmeal (Regular Flavor): 150 Calories

Not only is this a great healthy snack with 150 calories per serving, but oats are also very healthy for you, even if they are instant in this case. Oats are high in fiber and can help control blood sugar levels as well as lower cholesterol. You can always flavor up the oatmeal by adding ground cinnamon or fruit. Raisins are a good addition as are bananas. If you like nuts, you can try those as well. Almond slivers are good.

1 Tbsp Peanuts And 2 Tbsp Dried Cranberries: 130 Calories – Healthy Snack Ideas Under 200 Calories

1 Tbsp Peanuts And 2 Tbsp Dried Cranberries: 130 Calories - Healthy Snack Ideas Under 200 Calories

Okay, so the recommended serving size above is about a handful. Not too large but the flavor of this combination is outstanding. Get unsalted peanuts and avoid the blood pressure gain while still getting your protein. Adding the dried cranberries in gets you that antioxidant boost.

18 Fat-free Rold Gold Tiny Twists: 110 Calories

18 Fat-free Rold Gold Tiny Twists: 110 Calories

Pretzels can be addicting and, if they are fat free, they won’t pack the calorie punch. Since they are fat free, they will have little if any cholesterol in them. However, don’t go hog wild with these delicious snacks as they are salty and stuffed with carbohydrates.

5 Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Kisses: 105 Calories

5 Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Kisses: 105 Calories

How can candy be on this list you may ask? Well, these are dark chocolate kisses and only five of them. Numerous studies have suggested dark chocolate has several health benefits. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and zinc. It also contains polyphenols, which has proven to be effective in lowering cholesterol.

1/2 Cup Frozen Yogurt: 110 Calories – Healthy Snack Ideas Under 200 Calories

1/2 Cup Frozen Yogurt: 110 Calories - Healthy Snack Ideas Under 200 Calories

Frozen yogurt by itself can be particularly good for you. If you avoid adding all the toppings like cookies, brownies, candy, etc., the calorie level is low, and you get a boost of good bacteria and probiotics.

1 Cup Strawberries And 3 Tbsp Reddi Whip: 110 Calories

1 Cup Strawberries And 3 Tbsp Reddi Whip: 110 Calories

This is a little taste of heaven. You get to have some of the best candy nature has to offer with strawberries and then top it with Reddi Whip. What you get is nirvana. Strawberries offer a ton of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. They are also sodium-free, fat-free, and cholesterol free.

1 Cup Baby Carrots With 2 Tbsp Hummus: 100 Calories

1 Cup Baby Carrots With 2 Tbsp Hummus: 100 Calories

Like peanut butter, hummus is good with just about anything. Certainly, pairing it with carrots is a lot healthier than pita bread. Of course, carrots have a great many health benefits. They are considered a super food that is high in fiber and loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Hummus is no slouch either. Hummus is made form chickpeas and is high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is also a good source of plant-based protein.

1/2 Cup Edamame Beans (Measured Shelled): 100 Calories – Healthy Snack Ideas Under 200 Calories

1/2 Cup Edamame Beans (Measured Shelled): 100 Calories - Healthy Snack Ideas Under 200 Calories

At first glance, you may not think edamame beans have a lot of flavor, but you would be dead wrong. These delectable beans not only pack a flavorful punch, but they are loaded with soy protein and are high in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

2 Nabisco 100% Whole Grain Fig Newtons: 110 Calories

2 Nabisco 100% Whole Grain Fig Newtons: 110 Calories

Like pretzels, you get some good and bad with Fig Newtons. Figs are extremely healthy for you as they are high in fiber and are a good source of potassium, vitamin A and magnesium. However, Fig Newtons are basically a pastry filled with a paste made from figs. So, they do have some health benefits but don’t eat a lot of them. Two to satisfy your hunger is more than enough.

This article was originally published on, Healthy Snack Ideas Under 200 Calories.