On August 11, 2014, we lost one of the greatest actors and comedians that has ever graced the big screen. Now, almost exactly five years later, we honor him by watching some of his greatest hits. Although all of Robin Williams’ movies have been quite amazing (from Jack to Flubber to Insomnia), let’s pick out ten of his most memorable movies that truly show us his gifts. Heck, watch them all this weekend!
Patch Adams (1998)

Home. The dictionary defines it as both a place of origin and a goal or destination.
Robin Williams in Patch Adams
Taking on a real-life character is no easy task, but Robin Williams did a spot-on job when he became Dr. Hunter “Patch” Adams. We felt the hearts of both men in this movie. While the real Adams founded the foundation, Robin Williams made it go “viral.” Thanks to his performance, hundreds of thousands still visit the foundation’s website every month. We’ll never forget the Red Nose Society.
Jumanji (1995)

Don’t worry. I’ve done this before. Once.
Robin Williams as Alan Parrish in Jumanji
While the new 2017 Jumanji is loads of fun, no movie can compare to the original from 1995. What would happen if someone was trapped alone, secluded in another world for decades? While the screenwriting and effects were great, Robin Williams’ performance truly took the cake. Jumanji is now one of the great classics!
Hook (1991)

I’m not a pirate. It so happens I am a lawyer.
Robin Williams as Peter Banning in Hook
Hook is no doubt one of the best retold Peter Pan stories that we’ve ever seen. Much of that is thanks to the man himself…Peter. The first tale of Peter Pan that wasn’t just for kids, Hook deals with growing up in more ways than one. It deals with the transition into not just adulthood, but fatherhood as well. One thing that Williams is always so gifted at showing.
Dead Poet’s Society (1989)

“There’s a time for daring and there’s a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for.”
Robin Williams as John Keating in Dead Poets Society
Wanting to feel all the feelings? The Dead Poets Society will give them to you. O Captian, My Captian! This movie shows us just how influential a good teacher can be, whether he plays by the rules or not. The thing that makes it so believable though is Williams. You can see the love in his eyes as he connects with his students and co-stars.
Good Will Hunting (1997)

Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself.
Robin Williams as therapist Sean Maguire in Good Will Hunting
Not only is Good Will Hunting Williams’ best movie according to Rotten Tomatoes, but also in the hearts of many. Most people consider Good Will Hunting Matt Damon’s breakout movie. While that may be true, we can’t forget how amazing his therapist (Williams) was. If only we could all get out of jail free with someone like him.
Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)

Goooooooood morning, Vietnam! Hey, this is not a test! This is rock and roll! Time to rock it from the Delta to the D.M.Z.!
Robin Williams as Adrian Cronauer in Good Morning, Vietnam
Robin Williams was known for cloaking dark humor with something a bit lighter. Good Morning, Vietnam is an excellent representation of just how awful the Vietnam War was, while still showing us the hearts of many of the soldiers involved. Not to mention the love shared between many men in service with those met abroad.
Aladdin (1992)

Never fails! You get in the bathtub, and there’s a rub at the lamp.” Don’t interrupt Genie.
Robin Williams as Genie in Aladdin
Is there any character of Williams’ more lovable than Genie? I think not. Aladdin may be lighthearted, but that just makes Genie even more lovable. Perhaps all those years ago, Williams was trapped like Genie. Perhaps by hopelessness and depression. Genie pretended to ignore all of the hurt in the world by bringing a smile to the faces of those suffering. Dark, but a story that happens far too often.
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

I admire that honesty, Natalie, that’s a noble quality. Never lose that, because it often disappears with age, or entering politics.
Robin Williams as Daniel Hillard as Mrs. Doubtfire in Mrs. Doubtfire
This is probably Robin Williams’ most enjoyable movie for the whole family. While the young folks prefer Hook or Aladdin and the older folks prefer the more dramatic takes, there isn’t a soul who doesn’t enjoy Mrs. Doubtfire. The comedy itself is perfect, but the love shown as a father in this likely divorce tale is one that will have all of us questioning our relationships.
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (2014)

Some may call this a strange pick considering it is in no way Williams’ most outstanding performance. However, it is last solid movie. Like Furious 7 is to Paul Walker, Secret of the Tomb is to Robin Williams. Since the movie was released after his death, there wasn’t a dry eye in the theater whenever Teddy Roosevelt spoke on screen. We’ll never forget Robin Williams’ last words spoken onscreen:
“Smile, my boy. It’s sunrise.”
Robin Williams as Teddy Roosevelt in Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb